Friday, June 1, 2012

Rushing to Yoga Foundation Love Projects

The Rushing to Yoga Foundation is pleased to kickoff the first of
their Love Projects. Join us in the “Give a Job to a Homeless Person
Love Project.”

Simply order one or more packages of Blessing postcards and hand them
to a homeless person with some money (We suggest a wage of $5-10.00
for each packet given to a homeless person).  When you hand the packet
of postcards to a homeless person, simply ask the person if you can
hire them to give away one individual blessing postcard to each person
they may come into contact with as they go through the day.  If the
person agrees, pay them the wage of $5-10/packet and then hand the
person you just hired the packet of postcards to disseminate. You can
order these by visiting the Rushing to Yoga Website.

You will feel great by providing a job to a homeless person and the
person you hired will feel great because now you have provided that
person with the means to give a blessing to someone else.  The person
receiving the card will in turn, feel great as they are reminded to be
Love, Peace, or Joy.  In addition, the person receiving the card can
turn around and send the card out to someone else with a personal
message.  It is the job that keeps on giving love, peace, and joy.
And it begins with One – that one is YOU.

One package of Blessing Postcards with original photography donated by
Christine Hoey, provides you with 2 cards of each design  (Joy-Gram,
Love-Gram, Peace-Gram).  To order your Blessings Postcards at cost,
please order below through Paypal or send order form through mail with
your payment. Each packet costs $5 to cover printing and shipping

As you engage in your Love Project, be sure to let others know to
visit the Rushing to Yoga Foundation Love Project website so they can be inspired by the way in
which you are promoting Love, Peace, and Joy in your community.

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